August 19, 2013

Today's Food Log (DAY #7 of Bootea Detox) + summary of the first 7 days

Breakfast: Plain yogurt topped with banana, raspberries and unsweetened muesli, a turkey sandwich and daytime detox tea
Snack: Nectarine
Lunch: 2 crispbreads with mackerel, an omelette, veggies and watermelon
Snack: Banana ice cream (frozen banana blended together)
Dinner: Fruit salad (grapes, plums, sharon fruit and watermelon) due to laziness... :P + bedtime detox tea

Last day of the first week of my detox, wooaa! So far so good! I've eaten healthily and regularly, I've exercised almost every day and having my cup of daytime bootea every day and bedtime bootea every second day. I've visited the bathroom more than usually, but it's nothing that has bothered me. It has actually only felt refreshing to detox the system and...let things out lol... :P I'ts hard to write a proper and professional way lol... Anyways, I really love bootea, and it has affected me only in good ways. First of all I'd like to mention how great I feel on the inside from it. I feel a lot calmer and more comfortable in my whole system. It's kind of hard to explain the feeling, but I guess a combination of healthy eating, exercise and this bootea detox will make you feel the same. ;-) I also feel more awake and alert than before. People have asked me if I've seen any differences since I started, and yes, I had! My tummy has gotten a little flatter and I feel less bloated. Yay! I hope a result will be possible after finishing the rest of the detox. I could get used to drinking this tea every day!!

If you are interested in reading more about bootea and purchasing it, click here! :-)

Xx // Matilda

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